Monday, August 9, 2010


After a very relaxing weekend we have began our 2nd week back at impuls. The weekend was fantastic; sleeping in, going to performances, site seeing, boating on the Danube River. There is so much I could say about the Marie Chouinard Performance, it was unlike anything I have ever seen. Ask me when I get home if you remember and you're interested. Saturday night we went out for a bit and did some salsa dancing which ended up being really fun! And, Sunday we soaked in the sun on the Danube and watched Capoeira dancers on the street.

Also, we couldn't help but dance everywhere we went so we thought we would document it. You can never go anywhere with dancers without busting into improvisation!

So, we are at day one again of class but I have a feeling it will be over faster then I know it. Only 4 days left here and then it's back to reality.

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