Thursday, August 12, 2010

Goodbye to Europe!

The week has been great getting back into dancing mode again. Nikka and I have been taking ballet in the morning then I am off to Improv Composition and Partnering while Nikka goes to Horton and Ailey Rep (wowweee! Horton and Ailey? She must be crazy, right?) Molly then heads off to Feldenchrist, which I was very jealous of.

All and all, the intensive was an incredible experience. Just being able to dance with people from other parts of the world, and taking new classes has brought about some great discoveries about ourselves and our dancing. I even have pages of notes to prove it!

It is one more day left here and then it is bonvoyage, chow and auf Wiedersehen to Europe. Nikka moves on to Munich to see her foreign exchange student, then to Oslo to visit her sister, while Molly has a few more days by herself to enjoy the sites here in Vienna. I sadly do have to go home! It has been a great past few weeks and I can definitely say I enjoyed every minute of it. It was worth all of the confusing planning, the plane ticket, even the 30 hour travel day on various planes and trains to get here (lets just hope the way back goes a little smoother). Thanks everyone for following the blog and can't wait to see you all when I get home Saturday!

Monday, August 9, 2010


After a very relaxing weekend we have began our 2nd week back at impuls. The weekend was fantastic; sleeping in, going to performances, site seeing, boating on the Danube River. There is so much I could say about the Marie Chouinard Performance, it was unlike anything I have ever seen. Ask me when I get home if you remember and you're interested. Saturday night we went out for a bit and did some salsa dancing which ended up being really fun! And, Sunday we soaked in the sun on the Danube and watched Capoeira dancers on the street.

Also, we couldn't help but dance everywhere we went so we thought we would document it. You can never go anywhere with dancers without busting into improvisation!

So, we are at day one again of class but I have a feeling it will be over faster then I know it. Only 4 days left here and then it's back to reality.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 1 done

Our week one at impuls tanz is over and we are needless to say that we are ready to enjoy the weekend off. It has been an exhausting, inspiring, rigorous, and challenging past few days and everything in between. We went from the beginning of our days finding our distal ends and moving from momentum without sensation in our Trisha respiratory class to our contemporary modern class with our Israeli teacher, Ori, where we learned to defy gravity and weight shift like nobody's business.

Last night we saw "P.A.R.T.S" perform, a company from Germany founded by Pina Bausch and now directed by Anna De Keersmaeker. And, if you don't know who those people are they are people to know. Beautiful performance. Left me speechless.

Tomorrow we plan on first and foremost sleeping in. Then, we are going into the actual downtown of Vienna to do some site seeing; hopefully some museums, swimming in the Danub if it's nice out, and going to see another show tomorrow evening.
More updates later. Hope everyone back home is doing well, miss you all!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 1

So it is our second day in Vienna and now we have Miss Molly Mingy in the mix. We met her today at our first day of the intensive. What a day! Nikka and I both had three classes today; Trisha Brown Repertory, Upside down right side up, and contemporary modern technique. All three classes were amazing, very rigorous. The studios are absolutely beautiful, probably about 3 or 4 times the size of the studios back home. There are dancers from all over the world, the U.S., Finland, Italy, Japan, Germany just to name a few. It is pretty funny telling people that we are from Wisconsin. All three of us are already sore and tired though so we're getting to bed early. Day two tomorrow. The battle begins 10 am.

Auf Wiedersehen